5 Psychological Experiments That Explain the Modern World
Kit Knightly

The world is a confusing place. People do things that don’t make any sense, think things that aren’t supported by facts, endure things they do not need to endure, and viciously attack those who try to bring these things to their attention.
If you’ve ever wondered why, you’ve come to the right place.
Any casual reader of the alternate media landscape will eventually come up with a reference to Stanley Milgram, or Philip Zimbardo, the “Asch Experiment” or maybe all three.
“Cognitive Dissonance”, “Diffusion of Responsibility”, and “learned helplessness” are phrases that regularly do the rounds, but where do they come from and what they mean?
Well, here are the important psycho-social experiments that teach us about the way people think, but more than that they actually explain how our modern world works, and just how we got into this mess.
1. The Milgram Experiment
The Experiment: Let’s start with the most famous. Beginning in 1963, Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments now referred to as the Milgram Obedience Experiments.
The setting is simple, Subject A is told to conduct a memory test on Subject B, and administer electric shocks when he makes mistakes. Of course, Subject B does not exist, and the electric shocks are not real. Instead, actors would cry, ask for help or pretend to be unconscious, all the while Subject A would be encouraged to carry on administering the shocks.
The vast majority of subjects carried on with the test and gave the shocks, despite the distress of “Subject B”.
The Conclusion: In his paper on this experiment Stanley Milgram coined the term “diffusion of responsibility”, describing the psychological process by which a person can excuse or justify doing harm to someone if they believe it’s not really their fault, they won’t be held accountable, or they do not have a choice.
The Application: Almost literally endless. All institutions can use this phenomenon to pressure people into acting against their own moral code. The army, the police, hospital staff – wherever there is a hierarchy or perceived authority, people will fall victim to the diffusion of their own responsibility.
NOTE: They made a decent film about Milgram, and the backlash his experiments caused called Experimenter. In recent years there has been a major pushback on this experiment, with articles in the MSM attacking the findings and methodology and new “researchers” claiming “it does not prove what you think it does.”
2. The Stanford Prison Experiment
The Experiment: Only slightly less famous than Milgram’s work is Philip Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment, carried out at Stanford University in 1971. The experiment set up a mock-prison for a week, with one group of subjects designated “guards” and the other “prisoners”.
Both sides were provided uniforms, and prisoners were given a number. The guards were ordered to only ever address prisoners by their number, not their name.
There were a number of other rules and procedures, detailed here.
In brief, over the course of the week, guards became increasingly sadistic, dealing out punishments to disobedient prisoners and rewarding “good prisoners” in order to try and divide them. Many of the prisoners simply took the abuse, and in-fighting began between “trouble makers” and “good prisoners”.
Though technically not an “experiment” in the purest sense (there was no hypothesis to test, and no control group), and perhaps impacted by “demand characteristics”, the study does reveal interesting patterns of behaviour in its subjects.
The Conclusion: Prison guards became sadistic. Prisoners became obedient. All this despite no real laws being broken, no real legal authority, and no real requirement to stay. If you give people power and dehumanise those below them, they will become sadistic. If you put people in prison they will act like they are in prison.
In short, people will act the way they are treated.
The Application: Again, endless. We’ve seen it all through Covid, if you start treating people a certain way, the majority will go along with it and blame the minority who refuse to cooperate. Meanwhile, police forces around the world were suddenly granted new powers, and promptly abused them because the maskless and unvaxxed had been dehumanised in their eyes. Those reactions were engineered, not accidental.
3. The Asch Experiment
The Experiment: Another experiment in conformity, not as brutal as Milgram or Zimbardo, but perhaps more unsettling in its findings.
First conducted by Solomon Asch in the 1950s, the setup is a simple one. You put together a panel of subjects, one real subject and a handful of fake subjects.
One by one the subjects are asked a series of multiple-choice questions to which the answer is always obvious, and all the fake subjects will get every answer wrong. The question is whether or not the real subject will maintain his own correct answer, or begin to conform with the group.
The Conclusion: While most people maintained their right answers, the “error rate” in the experiment group was 37% versus less than 1% in the control group. Meaning 36% of subjects eventually began to change their answers to align with the consensus, even though they knew they were wrong.
Around one-third of people will either pretend to change their minds for the sake of conformity or, more alarmingly, will actually alter their beliefs if they find themselves in the minority.
The Application: Staged or invented polls, falsified vote counts in elections, bot accounts on social media, astroturfing campaigns. Media headlines proclaiming “everyone knows X” or “only 1% of people think Y”.
There are a great many tools you can use in order to create the impression of a fake “consensus”, a manufactured “majority”.
NOTE: The experiment has been done a million times in dozens of variations, but perhaps the most interesting finding is that putting just one other person in the panel who agrees with the test subject seemed to reduce conformity by 87%. Essentially, people hate being a lone voice but will tolerate being in the minority if they have some support. Good to know.
4. Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance Experiment
The Experiment: The least well-known experiment on the list, but in some ways the most fascinating. In 1954 Leon Festinger created an experiment to evaluate the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance, his setup was again quite simple.
A subject is given a repetitive and dull physical task to do (originally turning wooden pegs, but other variations use other tasks).
After the task is complete, the subject is instruced to go and prepare the next subject (actually a lab assistant) for the task, by lying and telling him/her how interesting the task was.
It’s at this point the subjects are divided into two groups, one group is offered $20 to lie, the other only $1.
This is the real experiment.
The Conclusion: After lying to the fake subjects, and being paid their money, the real subjects take part in a post-experiment interview and record their genuine thoughts on the task.
Interestingly, the 20-dollar generally told the truth, that they found the task dull and repetitive. While the one-dollar group, more often than not, claimed to have genuinely enjoyed the task.
This is cognitive dissonance in action.
Essentially, for the $20 group, the money was a good reason to lie to their fellow test subject, and they could justify their own behaviour in their head. But, for the $1 group, the meagreness of the reward made their dishonesty internally unjustifiable, so they had to unconsciously create their own justification by convincing themselves they weren’t lying at all.
In summary, if you offer people a small reward for doing something, they will pretend to enjoy it, or be otherwise invested, to justify only making a small profit.
The Application: Casinos, computer games and other interactive media use this principle all the time, offering players very little pay off knowing they will convince themselves they are enjoying playing. Big corporations and employers can likewise rely on this phenomenon to keep wages down, knowing that low paid workers have a psychological mechanism that may convince them they enjoy their jobs.
NOTE: A variation on this experiment introduces a third group, who are paid nothing to lie. This group is not affected by cognitive dissonance, and will honestly appraise the task just as the well-paid group do.
5. The Monkey Ladder
The Experiment: Now this is a somewhat controversial addition to the list, but we’ll get to that later. It’s a very famous experiment you’ve probably heard cited dozens of times.
In the 1960s scientists at Harvard put five monkeys in a cage with a stepladder in the middle. Atop the stepladder is a bunch of bananas, however each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder they are all sprayed with ice-cold water. Eventually, the monkeys learn to avoid the ladder.
Then one monkey is removed and a new monkey is introduced. He naturally goes straight for the ladder and is set upon by the other four monkeys.
Then a second monkey is removed, and another new monkey is introduced. He naturally goes straight for the ladder and is set upon by the other four monkeys…including the one who was never sprayed.
They continue to replace each monkey in turn, until no monkeys are present who were ever sprayed with water, and yet they all refuse to go near the stairs and prevent all the new monkeys from doing so.
Now, the obvious conclusion here is that people can be conditioned to mindlessly follow rules they do not understand.
The only problem with that is that none of this ever happened.
Yes, that’s the controversy I mentioned earlier. Despite being easily found on every corner of the internet, despite magazine articles explaining it and animations recounting it…it never happened. The experiment appears to be entirely apocryphal.
No ladder, no monkeys, no cold water.
So while this supposed experiment doesn’t actually teach us about herd mentality, it does explain the modern world, because it shows us how easily a myth can be worked into a reality through sheer dint of repetition.
BONUS: Monkey Ladder Redux
That’s right, it doesn’t stop there, there’s another twist.
National Geographic did actually recreate the fictional monkey ladder experiment using people:
One subject walks into a doctor’s waiting room filled with fake patients. When a bell sounds, all the fake patients stand up for a second and then retake their seats.
After this process repeats a few times, the fake patients are slowly removed one-by-one until only the subject of the experiment remains. Then secondary real subjects are introduced one at a time.
The experiment seeks to answer the following questions:
a) Will the original subject stand up at the bell without knowing why?
b) Will they will continue to stand up when they are alone in the room?
c) Will they then teach this behaviour to the new subjects?
The answer to all three appears to be “yes”.
Now, while far less scientific than the other four experiments, I include this here for a very specific reason. The above video of the experiment doesn’t just record the conforming behaviour but describes it as possibly beneficial. Adding that herd behaviour saves lives in the wild and is “how we learn to socialise”.
A very interesting take, don’t you think?
So, while the fake monkey experiment that never happened was used to teach us about the perils of herd mentality, its nonexistence actually teaches us about the perils of non-primary sources and the group consciousness’s ability to confabulate.
Meanwhile, the real monkey experiment is used to sell us the idea that herd mentality does exist but is potentially a good thing. Raising the possibility the whole thing could have been staged, simply to promote conformity.
…Isn’t the world a strange and confusing place?
So, there they are. Five of the most critical pieces of psychological research ever done, hopefully going forward nobody will be left in the dark when these concepts or experiments are referenced.
But the point of this article is not to just make you, the reader, understand these experiments…it is also meant to remind you that they do.
The people in charge, the elite, the 1%, “The Party”. The powers that be – or shouldn’t be – whatever you want to call them.
They know these experiments. They have studied them. They’ve probably replicated them countless times on grand scales and in unethical ways we can barely imagine. Who knows exactly what takes place in the dank dark dungeons of the deep state?
Just remember, they know how the human mind works.
- They know they can make people do anything if they reassure them they won’t be held responsible.
- They know that they can rely on people to abuse any power they’re given, OR believe they are powerless if they’re treated that way.
- They know that peer pressure will change a lot of people’s minds even in the face of undeniable reality, especially if you make them feel completely alone.
- They know that if you offer people only a small reward for completing a task, they will make up their own psychological justification for taking it.
- They know that people will mindlessly do whatever everyone else is doing without ever asking for a reason.
- And they know that people will happily believe something that never happened if it is repeated often enough.
They know all of this. And they use that knowledge all the time – All. The. Time.
Every commercial you see, every article you read, every movie they release, every item on the news, every “viral” social media post, every trending hashtag.
Every war. Every pandemic. Every headline.
All of them are constructed with these principles in mind to elicit specific emotional reactions that steer your behaviour and beliefs. That’s how the media works, not to inform you, not to entertain you…but to control you.
And they have it down to a science. Always remember that.
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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays, nephew of Freud, considered the father of both adverting and propaganda, author of 1928 book Propaganda
I like to think I would act differently. I’ve always gone against the grain and not been afraid to be different. In the last two years I have not conformed one iota and it’s actually been quite difficult and taxing. But seeing these really makes me wonder how far I’d be willing to do this.
Here is a description of a similar “experiment” carried out by an elementary school teacher, Jane Elliot on her all-white Iowa students to teach them to guard against racism:
Critical race theory (CRT) is a permanent universal application of this “experiment”. Of course the purpose of CRT is not to teach that racism is wrong but rather to invoke the reactions that the children subjects in the Elliot class described – anger, despondence and passivity. That is, to permanently utilize race (replaceable with gender/orientation or ethnicity or other differences) to divide, weaponize and control the population.
So much for the experimentees and how they were affected. What about the experimenters? I suppose Kit’s final paragraphs allude to that. It’s the perpetrators of the experiments that need their heads examining.
The monkey experiment reminds me of Chesterton’s Fence. Certain rules were necessary in the past and should only be changed if you understand their purpose. It is consistent with your interpretation with a different flavor.
The experiment that I’m always curious about is, does knowledge of one of these phenomenons decrease or increase the likelihood a person engages in the action.
Does knowledge of the Milgram experiment make one question authority more, or does it make it easier to rationalize going with it, because they know that most people will anyway.
I think the most important common aspect of these experiments hasn’t been pointed out. Not unusual, might also be legacy of Freud who wrongly emphasized that who we are comes from within us.
Human’s actions are to a huge extent defined by environment, circumstances.
This is well presented in Zimbardo’s lecture where Milgram is also thoroughly examined (at 26:00).
Philip Zimbardo: The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
How much are experiments on social animals applicable to humans?
I think they very much are.
In the following video is investigation of common trait of social animals that is very obscured in today’s society: Fairness.
Yeah, some of our innate properties are amplified (conformity), some obscured (fairness)….never mind they are equally important, necessary.
Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal’s TED Talk
mik you wrote:
I think the most important common aspect of these experiments hasn’t been pointed out. Not unusual, might also be legacy of Freud who wrongly emphasized that who we are comes from within us.
Freud has said a lot of things mik, but where does he actually say that, and can you provide the quote?
And why do you think he “wrongly emphasized that who we are comes from within us” ?
Our consciousness for example, is an integral part of what we are, but is usually explained in reductionist terms as an epiphenomenon of physical matter – a secretion of the brain. But it has never actually proven to be so, even though the brain is involved, and who we are comes as much from within as without – but not without the consciousness and life already within us that help us develop an ego, superego,language etc and the effects of learning, and social/cultural conditioning.
Freud and most of western thought is too much focused on individual. I agree, “….who we are comes as much from within as without…”. Self-made individual doesn’t exist.
Bringing consciousness in this debate is redundant. I think it just complicates things. It helps little to explain how is it possible that under specific circumstances in Milgram’s experiment 90% went to the end. Maybe it could be helpful to explain why 10% were able to resist.
Very interesting. Thank you. Some thoughts to share:
Those being experimented on, who had no clue of what they were being tested on, were completely trapped, completely subjected to the operation. On the other hand, we are objective outsiders, observers, spectators. We know we are being experimented on. We see the experiment. And that means we can change the experiment! We can mess up the cage. We can choose not to follow the script. Also, in understanding the heads of the experiments why not design our own experiments, which make them the experimented on?
“On the other hand, we are objective outsiders, observers, spectators.”
Our irrationality and subjectivity are always right around the corner.
“We can choose not to follow the script.”
Not universally true.
Depends on the “dough” one is made of. And circumstances.
I think the book, Man’s Search for Meaning, establishes that indeed the ultimate human capacity is the capacity to choose how to be in a given situation. Thank you Victor Frankl.
Belief in virtually unlimited choice goes hand in hand with belief in free will. It is not certain we have free will. A fore mentioned experiments show our choices are limited.
By saying this you make yourself conformed to these limited choices! We have a free choice if we choose to be free! Read Viktor Frankl Man’s Search for Meaning
“We have a free choice if we choose to be free!”
This is circular reasoning.
You can believe whatever you want, but in philosophy there is no clear answer on existence of free will. I believe the question is undecidable.
That is to some degree the generic anarchist position, but one drawback of messing with their narrative, and messing up the cage. is simply that we enhance their disorder, or augment it, with our own possibly greater disorder, or malaise. A larger pile in the cage, usually a discouraging result for those who have to clean the cage.
The ol’ “2 wrongs don’t make a right”.
What is called for, ironically, is more democracy, since historically it has always shown more positive trends. Or so it seems to the best among us?!
But “history” itself is being incrementally (or largely) muted, while its projections are accelerated (quickened) as unnaturally mutated as well.
Perhaps many may take heart from the ancient text of PROVERBS 16:4 (I know I do, early and often):
“Where there are no oxen, the stable is clean; but large crops come from the strength of the BULL.”
The natural approach. Ecology-friendly.
Hah! My thoughts entirely. Watch them squirm.[spoiler title=” “]
Face The Rear by Candid Camera (1962) (2:31)
The most important thing hasn’t been pointed out, the thing that is common to all mentioned experiments:
People’s actions are to a huge extent defined by environment, circumstances.
This is well presented in Zimbardo’s lecture that includes excellent presentation of Milgram (starts at 26:00).
PHILIP ZIMBARDO: The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
Are experiments on social animals applicable on humans?
I think some are.
I very very much like this one and hope you will know what exactly I’m referring to.
Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal’s TED Talk
We are in the last stages of a deadly hybrid war and losing. Learn secrets about this war.
Now they’re not secret anymore the game will have to be completely overhauled and recalibrated.
Did you think how much time that is going to waste?
Very irresponsible.
This is quite telling to me:
1) There are far too many people on the planet who conjure diabolical experiments to prove how stupid and easily manipulatable people are, or
2) 30%+ of the population on the planet are stupid and easily manipulatable.
Humans are social animals. We trust each other to shortcut having to learn things from scratch. Its not stupid to trust each other. Its advantagsous. Its only disadvantageous when psycopaths manipulate it. These are not social animals.
I can’t agree more that the psychological mechanisms that impact our beliefs and behaviours have been leveraged by not just the media but by the ruling elite in general in their attempts to ‘control’ us. In fact, I wrote a 5-part series of articles on this very subject, starting here: https://medium.com/@stevebull-4168/todays-contemplation-collapse-cometh-l-fcb81eb216be
“Cognitive Dissonance”, “Diffusion of Responsibility”, and “learned helplessness” are phrases that regularly do the rounds, but where do they come from and what they mean?” (Quoted from above article.)
And add this: in “People of the Lie: the Hope for Healing Human Evil” author M. Scott Peck has a chapter toward the book’s ending “The My Lai Massacre: an Examination of Group Evil” in which he details how the U.S. Army engaged him and, if memory serves, two others, as a panel to analyze the conditions that resulted in the brutal massacre of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. (A very dark episode, but not without other much earlier precedents, such as Graham Greene described in “The Quiet American” of Saigon in the early 1950s.)
But the Army didn’t much like, or finally approve or accept, Dr. Peck’s conclusions, in which he stated in his report that it was a “fragmentation of conscience” up and down the chain of command that had resulted in the horrific 1968 massacre.
In short, instead of “the buck stops here” as advertised the celebrated sign on President Truman’s Oval Office desk, in fact in “USA Inc.” of 1968 the buck stopped nowhere. A sort of atomized group conscience. Occupant of a void of nowhere.
And sadly, that turns out to be mostly fact. A high school teacher told me about 10 years ago that the U.S. soldier had the highest “kill rate” among all nations, because in most countries, when possible, soldiers will often shoot around their enemy combatants, apparently, when they can feasibly do so, so as not to kill. But not so here?
(In the Peck book. I am remembering that from a past reading, but his analysis is nothing shy of fascinating, as is very much the rest of the book. It had been recommended to me for insights on how to deal with a malicious in-law, by a Passionist Deacon who was also a very accomplished speech writer, during an annual parish retreat. What Peck is suggesting throughout the book is how conditions may arise, such as in modern American culture, that create mindsets and situations “favorable” for a variety of evils. And anyone now would be hard-pressed to refute that, here.)
Excellent article! In my opinion though, it misses some very important human failings:
1. Indoctrinability. I’m not familiar with any experiments on this, but its importance is obvious. The Germans did not merely obey, but believed in the nonsense spewed by the Nazis. Similarly, the Ukrainians and ISIS fight so well now because they have been brainwashed.
2. Open-mindedness. Again, no experiments, but everyday experience tells us that most people refuse to listen to anything that contradicts their convictions. Instead of asking “what is the evidence?”, they literally or figuratively walk away.
3. Belief Perseverance. And what happens if they are a captive audience and presented with evidence that contradicts their convictions? Well, they still cling to their beliefs. For experimental evidence, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belief_perseverance
It also misses some very important human triumphs:
Social science experiments condition receptive audiences to consent to pseudoscience reinforcing social engineering of the general population. As with most any scientific enterprise, experiments can be rigged any which way to obtain preordained results. Evidence to the contrary can simply be suppressed. Often these are elaborate exercises confirming commonsense observation for the sake of maintaining monopolies of knowledge for population management. That people look to ‘science’ to torture rhesus monkeys to prove the importance of human connection, even as there’s no move to improve human alienation, only demonstrates what a sick society we’re all in thanks to professional servants of the ruling psychopathy. That there exists such experimentation in the first place may explain the modern world more than anything else. And a lot of how and why we’re now being subjected to the new abnormal.
How do social science experiments condition non-receptive audiences?
Ha, now I think my wording redundant, since what audience in modern industrial societies that condition humans in habits of hierarchy and obedience from earliest ages isn’t receptive to being test subjects in foregone conclusions. There’s no placebo group, only products of social engineering more or less susceptible or immune to its premises.
No wonder so much social science lab work is funded by deep state inteterests out to build a bigger, better Skinnerian box. It’s guaranteed confirmation of the ruling ideology that control and power over others is human nature, a magic trick disguising how that’s designed rather than discovered.
There’s an article on the “Russia Today” website that is about introducing new labor laws into the Ukraine.
The laws are apparently “Made in Britain” and the article goes into some depth about what they are, how they were presented and how they were marketed. Its not the sort of material that we (“the people”) usually get to see but its worth thinking about because it explains a lot about how our (western) governments work.
Obviously, being “Russia Today” is all going to be Russian propaganda of course. You mustn’t read any of this (and in many countries its blocked anyway) because its not good for you. I suppose in its defense I can say “It is what it says on the tin” and “there’s no way this could be a made up propaganda piece because, among other things, the information doesn’t directly benefit Russia”. You decide.
I note that you are one of those pandemic shills now promoting the “Russia aren’t globalists” narrative. How interesting
Made in Britain to me usually means pre ’70.
Interesting that has come up again as U.K and I have also seen articles of E.U counties talking about or about to introduce new labor law.
But on the contrary, I understand that in Russia they are going to introduce a law introducing the obligation of eternal happiness for all, forever.
clueless beyond belief, had the guys here done their homework they would have uncovered that zimbardo’s bollocks of an experiment was just that bollocks, it broke all the rules for true pyschological testing with Zimbo himself taking a role, and lets ignore the fucking elephant in the room it was funded by the US NAVY ffs.. now this pile of shit that has so many holes in it, only a lazy good for nothing know fuck all would claim it has relevance, the only relavance that pile of shit has it that it paved the way for the code of ethics which in effect put an end to all true pyschological experiments. so great experiments like Milgrams would never be allowed to happen again and lets also ignore the fact that Milgram died young.
Anyone remotely interested into why and how the kids in Ukraine are giving Nazi salutes, “bashing bobo” uncovers it all.
Any links for this? A2
Thanks Derek for thoughtfully stepping in for milo and doing the legwork they didn’t think to undertake themselves, which is such an important part of sharing ideas btl. Perhaps milo could source their own comment next time and allow readers to track their thought process a little more easily 🙂 A2
Exceedingly eloquent and thoughtfully presented counter-argument.
《《《 “… an end to all psychological experiments ” 》》》
Talk about BOLLOCKS !
Bwahahaha, did your boss
pat your dumb dirty arse ?
FYI, YOU TOO are part & parcel
Of another ongoing psychological experiment…
Is your objective all encompassing knowledge & sense of
Awareness so feeble ? Clueless beyond belief or red herring?
don’t forget about the RAT HOPE experiment
My ‘confirmation bias’ is only superseded by my ‘availability heuristic’ which pales in comparison to my new ‘circular logic’ train which rails on the ‘slippery slope’ down the picturesque mountain that ‘appeals to popularity’, but luckily it is driven by a ‘straw-man’ wearing a cloak of ‘extended analogy’.
With tainted Trans-missions from a Trailer in Laurel Canyon ? 🤣
This is a great piece – sadly all of it painfully on display during covid. IMO one of the primary goals of the whole covid pysop was to stress test the digital panopticon western populations are enmeshed in. How do all of the experiments above translate to the digital space? When presented with a hyper reality do people eventually completely ignore actual reality? Can people tell the difference?
Where I’m hopeful is that it seems more people than expected have popped their heads up from the phones over the past 2 years.
Here to help:
In reply to your questions…
Jolly good. Carry on.
Wow thanks lol – they were kinda rhetorical questions and you seem to have missed the point.
I caught the point in my point-catching net (Made in NZ) but I let it go again because it was under-sized.
Interesting points.
It’s always worth reducing such apparently complex systems to their simple basics:
There’s even a phrase for it: “White Coat Syndrome”, and it’s closely related to “Stockholm Syndrome”.
What they all have in common is Groupthink – not wanting to be different.
It’s the same in infant school – All the kids apparently having a great time playing football or whatever during the break – with the similarly apparent enthusiastic encouragement of any teachers who happen to be present, all except for the one or two kids who are genetically predisposed to wonder what the point of football is, when there is beautiful art, literature and music to occupy oneself with instead…
This scenario is familiar to all genuine artists.
It makes for a painful childhood, but, thank heaven, some survive and inspire coming generations.
Playing football makes for a painful childhood, with all the pointless physical injuries associated with running around kicking a globe on a paddock.
The artfully predisposed avoid all these injuries and so live quite painlessly ( except for maybe Bryan Adams who played his guitar so much that his fingers bled… It was the Summer of ’69)
that’s right, just sit on the playconsole as a child and let your bones weaken to spring osier….
kicked shins make for thick skins . . .?
ancient Pilgrim Proverb, joker ; )
Intriguing availability heuristic…
Shin pads for glad lads…?
Ancient Emergency Department wisdom, rubber 🙂
After school dinner children play kicking a football smaller ball even a tennis ball. A its a short period where teachers like to see children exercising running about or not. What was it like at your school, miserable so so or happy, playing around with school chums?
After dinner time you have afternoon classes.
When those were over Homework assigned. We would go change maybe go for a cross country run or play a team sport in Football.
Wash change leave school walk bicycle use Public transport, for a young feeling of independence in a grown up world. Skip on off a bus platform.
Home start the homework Tea time finish that.
Then we’d go out meet with our chums in before going dark, watch a little telly or do some hobby including Music listening to practicing playing a guitar, building a model airplane draw sketch work on a painting,,and Time for bed.
What’s the problem with any of that typical week school day?
Children don’t play enough anymore imo.
Pranksters have got meaningless articles into some “prestigious” academic journals, simply by adopting the right verbiage and groupthink. Social science leads in this. Peter Boghossian (at Portland State U.) and 2 associates got 7 egregiously false papers on “grievance studies” published sometime before 2019.
In the case of children in school, most of them find the confinement in class quite a torture. It is worst for the youngest children.
Those that chose not to play football are the ones who invented these experiments.
not sure old bean,
natural creative i was, honest, “creative genius” lolll sadly that lecturer is long dead :/
still, i loved sport – i didn’t have to win, I just had to try to win and enjoy myself in process, athletics being best, boxed, basketball, swam, ran, couldnae escape fitba, 7s rugby, shinty, GAA…. all true..blahhh loved pushing myself, hated cheats and dirty bstert players…. Great fun.
but when ye get older the body reminds you, Ha ; )
not sure being a generally creative stops you enjoying “sport” and physical activity??
I’ve a good pal who was one of the “what for, i am not joining in!!?” and i still laugh and tell him it’s good fun… he doesn’t get it…. 30 years on, and still forms that scowl…
There’s a very ugly side to team sports. For too many, it’s only about “winning.” It isn’t about the joy of play for them, it is only about the victory, never mind what that victory really entails. You play by their rules, and if you don’t like their rules, you don’t count and should be banished from the playing field of life. I have always loathed team sports for that mentality. That side shows itself early, IMHO, and a lot of those who talk about the joys of teamwork and camaraderie refuse to see that ugly part.
Funny thing, particularly now, all that babble about rule following, living one’s life within the permitted parameters, being a “good citizen,” has shown itself for just what it can degenerate into – blind conformity, no matter how arbitrary and stupid the rules are. A willingness to follow rules set by people they don’t even know, and would probably not really care to know in real life. But they are the rule setters, and everyone simply MUST conform with them or be outcast from the team.
While I used to think that there was something missing in me to not want to play team sports, now I think that attitude has gotten me to where I am today. And I’d rather be here than playing their game. There is something missing in the game players, and a big part of what’s missing is true compassion and empathy for the other. After all, one does not empathize with one’s rival if one wants to “win.”
Well, I’m, er on your team! I never took to sports, or for that matter felt much enthusiasm for playing games, because I take no joy in “competition”. I’m constitutionally a non-athletic hobbit; I may not be much of a “thinker”, but I’m simply not a “doer”.
If you’re familiar with the sitcom “Seinfeld”, you may remember an episode involving a cheerful but dimwitted character who paints his face in preparation for attending a hockey game. When Elaine, his aghast girlfriend, takes exception to his appearance, he righteously exclaims “Gotta support the team!”
It’s a funny scene, but I admit that when I hear the line I always incipiently shudder.
On a loftier note, in T.H. White’s tetralogy about the Arthurian legend, The Once and Future King, young Arthur’s tutor and mentor is the magician Merlyn. Merlyn is not only antiwar, he also deplores “sports-mania” as pernicious and unwholesome for reasons much like the ones you express.
The boy Arthur, nicknamed “Wart”, is reverently fascinated with knighthood and its lore and rituals. While watching a jousting match, accompanied by Merlyn, Wart is agog.
Wart’s enthusiasm isn’t in the least dampened by Merlyn’s curmudgeonly assessment: “A lot of brainless unicorns swaggering about and calling themselves educated just because they can push each other off a horse with a bit of a stick! It makes me tired.”
Those were the days…
We used to sneak off, when no-one was looking, and drink a gourd or two of Merlyn’s Marvelously Mellow Marsh Merlot.
Then we would do a little Morris dancing around the Maypole before pretending we were decorative shrubberies and giggle ourselves into paralytic paroxysms of mirthful montrominopping.
Ahhh the memories…
A strange argument. Rules apply everywhere, even in one-to-one sports or transactions. They may be explicit, customary or assumed.
Pseudo-experts (especially PhDs) have no problem believing in a total pile of BS; and society will continue treating them with underserved deference regardless. However, once in a millennium or so, the off-course plane formation flies into the side of a mountain, and there is a close correlation between those who sowed and those who reap. In other words, it’s going to be Biblical!
The Rosenhan experiment or Thud experiment was an experiment conducted to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis. The participants feigned hallucinations to enter psychiatric hospitals but acted normally afterwards. They were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders and were given antipsychotic medication. The study was conducted by psychologist David Rosenhan, a Stanford University professor, and published by the journal Science in 1973 under the title “On Being Sane in Insane Places”.[1][2] It is considered an important and influential criticism of psychiatric diagnosis, and broached the topic of wrongful involuntary commitment.[3] Rosenhan along with 8 other people (5 men and 3 women) went into these 12 hospitals across 5 states along the West coast of the US. The pseudo-patients who were only admitted for a short period of time went to a different hospital, hence they went to 12 hospitals but there were only 9 participants altogether.
Rosenhan’s study was done in two parts. The first part involved the use of healthy associates or “pseudopatients” (three women and six men, including Rosenhan himself) who briefly feigned auditory hallucinations in an attempt to gain admission to 12 psychiatric hospitals in five states in the United States. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. After admission, the pseudopatients acted normally and told staff that they no longer experienced any additional hallucinations. As a condition of their release, all the patients were forced to admit to having a mental illness and had to agree to take antipsychotic medication. The average time that the patients spent in the hospital was 19 days. All but one were diagnosed with schizophrenia “in remission” before their release.
The second part of his study involved a hospital administration challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, whose staff asserted that they would be able to detect the pseudopatients. Rosenhan agreed, and in the following weeks 41 out of 193 new patients were identified as potential pseudopatients, with 19 of these receiving suspicion from at least one psychiatrist and one other staff member. Rosenhan sent no pseudopatients to the hospital.
While listening to a lecture by R. D. Laing, who was associated with the anti-psychiatry movement, Rosenhan conceived of the experiment as a way to test the reliability of psychiatric diagnoses.[4] The study concluded “it is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals” and also illustrated the dangers of dehumanization and labeling in psychiatric institutions.
A PhD indicates the recipient has managed the excellent virtue of knowing more and more about less and less.
‘The people in charge, the elite, the 1%, “The Party”. The powers that be – or shouldn’t be – whatever you want to call them. They know these experiments. They have studied them. They’ve probably replicated them countless times on grand scales and in unethical ways we can barely imagine.’
You missed the biggest “experiment” of all.
Why did people believe martians had landed in New Jersey? Because they heard it on the radio. That wasn’t some slick trick pulled by Welles past unsuspecting bosses — the script was approved by CBS, and there were pre-, post-, and MID-broadcast notifications identifying it as only a play. Yet still the people believed.
I think Bill Casey was a young boy sitting by the radio that day.
The Martians did land in New Jersey.
Previously to that they had been sunning in Florida.
And they know that people will happily believe something that never happened if it is repeated often enough.
Doesn’t that sound exactly like religion? Take christianity, no proof at all that a guy called Jesus, who by some writers is claimed to have a certain background (divine of course, nothing else would suffice) and done certain deeds, ever existed, but still after repeating those lies over a couple of thousand years or so, there are still billions of believers.
The same goes for Mohammed, no proof the guy ever lived, and the same for Buddha. Hearsay, third or fourth hand narratives and of course completely invented.
And then there are those propagandists we know they existed, like Mr. Smith or Mr. Ron L. Hubbard, who told some unbelievable stories, and still millions believe those stories based purely on a say-so without anything to prove they have any connection to real events or persons.
Yes, Jesus Buddha and Mohammed never existed as men because those are not men. They are like others, mentioned in spiritual holy scriptures, Spirit.
Lord Krishna too, goes in this category, meaning unity with God.
God is Spirit.
To make God a man, a male person who was born, suffered and died, is an obvious Lie. God is eternally God, unchanging, absolute, Truth.
So there’s something you can trust.
”Lord help me to hold out”:
“never existed as men because those are not men”
you run afoul with this statement of the dogma that those particular religions are based upon. Try to tell that to any Christian, Muslim or Buddhist..and if you survive, come back to tell the story.
God is Spirit.
And as such exists in your imagination only.
As a dear friend, long gone now, once told me after a discussion: It doesn’t matter to me if something exists outside my brain, if I perceive it in my brain, be it a vision or a strong sensation it does exist for me.
Fine by me.
Reality is a vague concept anyway, created in your brain by the sensations your nerves transmit to this processor. If it agrees with what others experience, I guess one can call it reality.
They are simply the personifications of the operational aspects in the canon of Astro-Theology
You don’t have access to my Mind so that you could say what is imagination and what is Reality.
You can’t even access your own brain. You imagine your brain to do things, neurons hitting each other and stuff, but you really have no direct experience or knowledge about what’s happening in your brain. You just believe those things.
Reality is something that is both real and true.
Reality Exists.
Not knowing what reality is and what is real is ignorance.
Believing something that isn’t real is having been manipulated in some way or another. When you base your belief of what’s real and true to thoughts, opinions, theories, beliefs of others, you are not on the solid ground. Only what’s really real and truly true is the solid base for any knowledge.
You don’t know God, but God knows you.
What exactly is wrong?
Excellent comment. “Miracles” only happen when actuality fails… Belief is a powerful drug… Don’t leave home without it…
What you are claiming can be equally applied to you after you’re gone. Your family, friends and co-workers will claim you existed but they have no proof? All those who claimed you existed can be called conspiracy theorists, liars and “believers”…..especially after centuries pass. Confirmation for YOU (at this point) to know Jesus Christ exists: when you’re standing in front of Him as He says He never knew you.
Today’s prize goes to Johnny (bottom of the comments section). https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/03/5-psychological-experiments-that-explain-the-modern-world/#:~:text=We%20mimic%20from%20the%20day%20we%E2%80%99re%20born.%20It%E2%80%99s%20how%20we%20learn.
Once again, all trust in humanity has been lost.
All those homeless people wandering around scrounging for food without saying a word.
Maybe they are smarter than we think.
When the catastrophe comes the homeless will be much better prepared for survival.
Survive. What for. To further a meaningless shitty life in the gutters? I bet you, they’d rather had a happy life and not survive the catastrophy.
The Zimbardo experiment is and always was a joke, rife with false reporting right from the very beginning. Furthermore, nothing similar has even been attempted. Zimbardo has been called out many times, including from his girlfriend at the time (who was “involved” by supposedly bringing the experiment to an end) who stated Zimbardo is a fraud.
As for Milgram, that experiment WAS repeated dozens of times with different variations. Reporting the lump respondent sum of all of them is disingenuous. Certain groups did MUCH better than others, and even a breakdown between men and women showed that MEN were much more likely to zap/shock the victim.
The Asch/”people version of the monkey ladder” experiments are irrelevant because the stakes involved were so low. They’re the equivalent of telling a “white lie,” saying that the boss looks good at a company party even though the boss looks terrible.
I’d say there are far more influential psychology experiments out there, not because they “worked” but because they were fake from the beginning, such as the marshmallow willpower experiment.
They had a lot of willing participants, many willing to literally die for the cause.
Many still walking around now masked up dripping in fear and obedience
Humanity….what a big disappointment.
Large scale AI-driven simulations such as SWS, combined with the enormous amount of aggregated personal data attached to each digital-twin in the Metaverse, is how they accurately manipulate outcomes on a very large scale.
Once the ‘method’ is comprehended by a critical mass, this ‘population manager’ will start to produce inaccurate ‘solutions’ at an exponential rate.
Thank you for the article. On occasion I remove my “reality goggles” from the kitchen junk drawer, ensuring they are clean, in-focus, and calibrated. Then I put them on. “Oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage.”- Maude from “Harold and Maude”
… You don’t need them.
Go to the Library…
Libraries are being replaced with online ones in which the data can be altered. Reading is a rararity, compared to hours daily spent on specious info from social media.
Earlier this year, I learned to my surprise that the library in the private preparatory high school I attended (Class of 1973) no longer has actual books. I’m not sure whether they have removed all printed material, e.g. periodicals.
I shouldn’t have been surprised. I have a family connection to a long-time workaholic employee at the school; he began as a teacher, eventually moved up the ranks to principal, and after stepping down from the principalship has returned to the classroom as a lowly teacher. I wittily greeted this news with “Hello, Mister Chips!”
I’m told that he’s proud of the book-free, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art “library”. He’s very much a conventional-minded time-server, so he thinks that “evolving beyond books” in the light of technological progress is entirely appropriate and commendable. If there’s a down side, he doesn’t see it! 😡
You may not like what you find in a Public Library. what then?
Then you may be so inclined to visit a Private Library.
Good article and the late Alan Watt was right.
Alan Watt was neither right or left… And he was never late or early.
We don’t need these useless experiments to understand our Present world… We just need to recognize our Past world and accept that we’ve been degenerating for millennia.
With the increase of the herd of uman animals the acceleration of degeneration also increases BUT we persist in NOT wanting to truly CHANGE.
The Past is the Future which is the Future passed…
…past is future past by.
Say it natural ..past is future past by.
Where are you from growing up, respectfully you probably read too much.
This is long (sorry..) but quite useful in explaining why some people see through fake narratives immediately, while others never will…
The following excerpt is from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn. It describes an experiment carried out by J.S. Bruner and Leo Postman, the results of which were published in 1949 titled “On the Perception of Incongruity: A Paradigm”.
In a psychological experiment that deserves to be far better known outside the trade, Bruner and Postman asked experimental subjects to identify on short and controlled exposure a series of playing cards. Many of the cards were normal, but some were made anomalous, e.g., a red six of spades and black four of hearts. Each experimental run was constituted by the display of a single card to a single subject in a series of gradually increased exposures. After each exposure the subject was asked what he had seen, and the run was terminated by two successive correct identifications.
Even on the shortest exposures many subjects identified most of the cards, and after a small increase all the subjects identified them all. For the normal cards these identifications were usually correct, but the anomalous cards were almost always identified, without apparent hesitation or puzzlement, as normal. The black four of hearts might, for example, be identified as the four of either spades or hearts. Without any awareness of trouble, it was immediately fitted to one of the conceptual categories prepared by prior experience. One would not even like to say that the subjects had seen something different from what they identified. With a further increase of exposure to the anomalous cards, subjects did begin to hesitate and to display awareness of anomaly. Exposed, for example, to the red six of spades, some would say: That’s the six of spades, but there’s something wrong with it – the black has a red border. Further increase of exposure resulted in still more hesitation and confusion until finally, and sometimes quite suddenly, most subjects would produce the correct identification without hesitation. Moreover, after doing this with two or three of the anomalous cards, they would have little further difficulty with the others. A few subjects, however, were never able to make the requisite adjustment of their categories. Even at forty times the average exposure required to recognize normal cards for what they were, more than 10 per cent of the anomalous cards were not correctly identified. And the subjects who then failed often experienced acute personal distress. One of them exclaimed: “I can’t make the suit out, whatever it is. It didn’t even look like a card that time. I don’t know what color it is now or whether it’s a spade or a heart. I’m not even sure now what a spade looks like. My God!”
They were asked to identify cards… not anomalies.
Anomalies ? What anomalies ?
Crisis ? What crisisIsis ?
Excuse my stutter 😀
Despite the PROVEN dangers of obedience the DSM V has no coding for ‘obedience disorder’, however disobedience IS a sign of codeable disorder. “5.Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519712/table/ch3.t14/
That’s a sign of a healthy individual, a real threat to order.
The DSM(x) is a dysfunctional series of lists.
Psychologists’ experiments prove that it’s possible to design experiments that trick people, that’s all.
Meanwhile, from the files of real life there was MK Ultra and other CIA mind-contol projects including:
1) Operation Midnight Climax – observing prostitutes’ punters when unknowingly dosed with LSD.
2) Jose Delgado implanting microchips in bulls and stopping them in mid-charge by pressing a button.
3) Ewen Cameron’s ‘sleep room’ with patients, some sufering no more than post-natal depression, kept asleep for 90+ days while played tapes of messages to destroy their personality so Cameron could build them a new one. Cameron, who happened to be at Nuremburg, called this ‘psychic driving’.
4) Louis Jolyon ‘Jolly’ West turning up whenever there appears a famous serial killer. He happened to have an office in a building in San Francisco that Charles Manson regularly visited before moving to Los Angeles.
5) John C. Lilly giving dolphins LSD.
All this was revealed to the Church Committee in the 1970s. Maybe these revelations were a mistake, maybe a limited hangout by Ruchard Helms to shift the blame on to his predecessor. The popularisation of magic mushrooms was revealed to be MKUltra subproject 58. The Church Committee was blamed for an alleged assassination of a CIA operative and shut down. Another Congressional hearing in the 1990s found that children had been abused by the CIA with the goal of splitting their personalities and victims were paid compensation.
This is not experimental, not conspiracy theory – it’s in the documented record. The ring-fence they’ve tried to put around all this is that it was designed for individuals – to make unbreakable agents. They also claim it didn’t work so they gave up. This requires one to believe that Charles Manson could brainwash his group but the CIA with all its resources can’t brainwash anyone. If brainwashing isn’t real, why was Manson in prison all those years? It seems obvious that MK Ultra techniques were not only for direct application to individuals but for societal application through the media.
Mind-control techniques have been known for centuries, MK Ultra was merely putting them on a more scientific footing. Military training is, for example, basic mind-control – it’s why Kubrick made ‘Full Metal Jacket’. No doubt every intelligence agency has had its version of MK Ultra and it’s merely that more is known about the CIA.
For psychoactive substances, they needed data and did not want to wait for proper studies.
All experiments are experimental.
There is also the well known experiment called school
Here you will meet authority they will be dressed differently.
Here you are taught to obey authority with out question
You are given stupid rules to follow that you will be punished for disobeying.
The teacher can tell you things that are not true or can not be know
The teacher can tell you to read and memorise from books information that is not true or can not be known. You will be tested on how you have obeyed and marked accordingly.
You are not to have an identity you should dress and act the same and only speak when questioned. Any individuality is punished.
If you go onto college or university this is obedience training is repeated.
When you leave school you got to work where your boss will tell you what to do.
When ever you see authority they will be dressed differently and you will be told to obey them without question. Be that police , doctors , scientists , politicians.
When you read the News it will state things as if they are facts.
When you watch or hear the news it is read in an authoritative manner.
It takes some people a long time to unlearn there obedience in thought and action that they have been taught from a very early age through to adulthood.
Many never unlearn this thought experiment.
To those lucky enough to have not been brainwashed it is hard to understand the minds of the obedient rest.
A prime example was how for six months in the UK we were told by the authority that we must believe that Masks were a waste of time and we as a free people would not wear them. Then when the message changed to first advisory and then compulsory.
Most people obeyed this new message even when told that they could make there own masks out of any material.
They did not remember or pick up the message this is about obedience only.
There early and long training made them obey.
It’s where they teach you WHAT to think, not HOW to think.
It’s where they send us to to oil the corporate wheels.
The hidey hole of hypocrites.
Here, here. Socialized (or mandatory) education was the base method leading toward groupthink and mass psychosis. Everyone SHOULD have seen this undesirable feature of modern education. Some did…
It was just too convenient to pawn children’s education off to authority figures and surrogate parents. The results are obvious.
I never wore a mask, it muffled my oft repeated phrase to ‘eff off to anyone with a problem about it
Dedoomed is demooded spelt backwards
If you imagine a cockpit on a passenger flight. There is the captain and two co-pilots. It is customary to verbally acknowledge who is flying the plane. According to this video there was a flight where the copilot was pulling back on the stick thinking this would fix the problem whilst the captain thought he was flying the plane. It is quite an interesting story. For some reason there was a break down in discipline and the captain only found out that he was not in control once it was too late. If you are saying someone is “in charge” then it would be like instructing the pilot to hand control over. This is not what you would want to do if there was a dangerous situation and the “The party” were deemed incompetent or otherwise unsuitable.
On the Sydney (Aust) buses, on which ‘face masks must be worn while on board’ signs re-appeared a short while ago, about a week ago colorful posters stating the same have appeared…
The new posters do not mention ‘fines may apply’ that the others inform passengers…
(Most) Bus drivers are now masked. They may be so instructed…As representatives of The Authority their being mask must influence passenger behaviour…
“In the UK, the inflation rate is forecast to hit a 42-year high of 13.3% this year”
Inflation is higher than that…
By ‘inflation’ I guess we’re talking about the imaginary figure made up by our governments which is very carefiul not to include any of the items that are increasing in price the most?
Inflation is a lot of hot air blown by compressors into the bankers balloon.
I barely made it out of high school. I quit college after a semester. I wrote music that wasn’t popular but that I resonated with. I designed my own house, rather than using readily available professional plans. I questioned events presented as real in the news media. I began to grow food and be a prepper long before it was obvious that the writing is on the wall. I took care of my aging mother at home for 20 years until her recent death, despite the trend of socking the elderly away in nursing homes or other abandonment institutions. I continue to go against the grain, and for all of this, I feel a sense of internal pride, accomplishment, and honor.
But if you asked my former friends about me, you would most often hear that I need professional help. I’ve even had former musician friends disassociate from me publicly for my criticisms of Joni Mitchell and Neil Young, regarding “covid.”
The need to conform and the rewards for doing so are so prevalent and intoxicating, that it’s no wonder most people get in line, especially since the training and indoctrination begin when we’re mere toddlers.
My guess is that most people here on this site have a similar rebellious nature that guides their decision making. Why are we different? Why are we sane?
I immediately crossed out many favorite artists for their immediate involvement in spreading the narrative and then promoting the injections. Almost none of them are stupid enough not to understand the deception. But pulling the emotional strings of people who love you as an artist, taking them to a nearby or more distant slaughterhouse and prison, lying to them with a smile, using your charm to touch them, is even lower. I’m not that excited because I know that many artists have not been the pinnacle of morality before, ready to sing and play for any party or “global” cause that pays them. But now the sizes are different, and it’s especially creepy to do it to older, younger or dumber people who are more emotionally dependent.
According to a friend, the greatest test for us as humans is how we treat those over whom we have power. Even for trifles, and what to talk about the abuse of power during the circus covid. In my opinion, the abuse of emotional power is even more reprehensible than the abuse of overt power.
Obsession with making money from music, or any art for that matter, leads to tunnel vision, hubris and ignorance.
‘Forgive those pricks, for they know not what they do’
At the beginning of the injection campaign, a popular actress appeared on our television, who was “very scared of the deadly danger” and urged people to act wisely, saving themselves and their loved ones. Etc. – same words as everywhere. The black irony in this case is that her family name is – translated into English – Priestova (Priest + family suffix for women “ova”)
writers! i’ve lost respect for many.
Because we have a sense of humour?
The willingness to conform is only beaten by the NEED to conform.
Why our brains can see this is a ridiculous and extremely dangerous idea and the majority don’t is a mystery.
It is actually the default human position.
I’m assuming that it stems from strength in numbers and grouping together for safety.
That would work fine until somebody (Yes, a shrew) realised that this mindset allow them to take advantage of the herd.
So it’s all our fault.!!
We’re part of the 144,000 and the rest of the world are NPCs? Works for me. And, if true and if we’re in some weird simulation game, we’re exposing ourselves by standing up for truth. Nick Bostrom, in talking about the likelihood that we’re in a simulation, suggested that the best survival strategy would be to keep quiet about the fact or risk the game creators shutting the game down 😬Too late. NB is a good friend of Bill Gates and Elon Musk so no issues there. 😂
You know that for sure? 144,000 sounds too much!
The number came from Revelations – 12×12,000 sent to help save humanity. I don’t take any of the bible literally but I do believe we’re in some kind of simulation.
m mirdad was explaining the 144.000 thing. we’re just the light workers. part of our job is to get everybody along, with love, and forgiveness.
why are we? idk. it’s a mystery, unless you count us being incarnated for this very purpose.
This is terrific, thanks.
The one thing I wish had been added is that once people are aware of the techniques that are used to manipulate them the whole process becomes much more difficult.
All of the participants in the experiments listed here were completely clueless and thus soft targets.
I would like to see an experiment where the participants were introduced to these techniques as a prelude to the practical experiment, I am confident that those with an awareness of these methods would be much harder to manipulate.
Convid seems to suggest that this is not the case.
Even when the damage from jabs is reported by Gov sources it is ignored as coincidence.
The inflation experiment this winter will tell if people are going to wake up or not.
Hunger and cold are the two most important triggers.
If that doesn’t get people on the streets they will know it’s safe to move on to the next stage.
We are talking about two separate things. You are talking about the real life psyops and correctly noting their success.
I am talking about the techniques that are used against people (as exemplified by the experiments the article details) in order to achieve that success and suggesting that once people understand these methods, the psyops will no longer succeed
Someone posting as Human Values made the point in a more direct and elegant way.
“These methods can be learned and so they lose their power.”
That is the point I was trying to make.
This is the point of ‘revelation of the method’ (or one of the points anyway) – that the best magicians can show how they perform their tricks but trick people regardless.
Points👉 made perfectly, said the Mrs. With experience of moderating Local Balkan Radio back in so called ‘Communist Times’ 👌 Alles Klar.
You can fool me once, but…
Others need schooling in the Method- ist die Natur
Of the Beast…
what are streets going to do?
They may release another album…
You’re pointing towards the Bruner and Postman experiment (which gives some hope as in that you cannot fool all people all of the time). I posted that experiment in the comments, but comment is pending…
So is this comment…
“In recent years there has been a major pushback on this experiment, with articles in the MSM attacking the findings and methodology and new “researchers” claiming “it does not prove what you think it does.”
This is only my association, not specifically in relation to what is written, but to the march used, but as I read it, the memory came to me of some recently destroyed, well-known stones, on which was written a recommended population of half a billion, and about which for about two years they also explained to us profusely in the media that “what is written is not what is meant”.
And that it was not written seriously (on these impressive monuments, generously paid by a mysterious stranger, using a pseudonym).
And that this has nothing to do with protecting against the “deadly” “virus”, and/or other current developments.
And finally, as I recall, they were knocked down for safety reasons, so that someone would not pass underneath and the “half a billion maximum” piece would fall on his head. That would be tragic. It’s a good thing they saved the man.
Sorry about this off topic, it just popped into my head and I decided to share it.
Great article.
not this bullshit again…
Besides, destroying those only made people want to look them up on the internet.
You seem to love the easiest explanations, like you’re shaved by Occam. This successfully calms the mind with the necessary dose of soma.
But the article does not deserve to be contaminated with this kind of controversy. If you say “not this bullshit again” – so be it. You win, so much for the question. Let us leave room for more meaningful writings.
“Thumbs up” for your post from me.
I always wondered what style of shaving cream Occam used…
Some say that all kiwis are the same and there is one way to shave them. But we know that a tight and hard kiwi is difficult to shave in the same way as a more mature and soft kiwi. And if you do, you lose valuable parts of it. Finally, you say the kiwi sucks.
When the barber can’t, he says the Kiwi sucks.
Those few who advocate shaving a Kiwi are clearly consuming way too many uncooked Amanita muscaria toadstools, as a Kiwi displays most wonderful plumage and any attempt to shave them (despite morphology) would be unsuccessful.
And, to wit, the barber would be well advised to remain within his occupation of trichological endeavour and avoid Ornithology pursuits at anything above the merely amateur level… As it is impossible for a Kiwi to suck…
What Kiwis do is eat little worms.
I was talking about kiwi fruit.
Besides, I’m not a barber, and besides, I’m a big Kiwi fan here, which gives me fun quite often.
Personally, I see it as the embodiment of a useful bacterium, an extract from the “unknowable” attacking Standard thought systems for a noble purpose. And like the bitter medicine, many frown at ingestion, but in the end they will absorb the beneficial effect.
Thank you for accurately defining your use of the term Kiwi in reference to the Actinidia deliciosa rather than the Apteryx australis.
Often, as I relax in the hot pools here in the undiscovered part of Antarctica, I think about the days when a barber was only a few minutes walk away, rather than having to take a helicopter across to the submarine base to see the man with the beard oil.
I became aware of the Georga Guidestones decades ago and found the “suggestions” to be quite rational. It was the implementation of the “suggestions” that had people confused…
Everyone rejected the first “suggestion” right off, because they wanted to fuck three times a week and make idiot babies. So, end item # 2. The rest of the suggestions became a pretty moot point… Especially item # 8…
It takes a special mental attitude or position in the pyramid hierarchy to allow yourself to interpret the “correct” development of all humanity. Or a certain level of wisdom that I don’t have.
It seems that we are about to participate in the realized interpretation of the the Georga Guidestones (and much more), in the fulfillment of the same ones who are doing what is happening today. Personally, I doubt that good words hide well-intentioned ideas. So I’ll do whatever I can to not participate in the way the they want, as far as my options allow.
Real or fake?

Real, of course. This is me and my brother on the frozen Danube, before fishing (the drill and fishing rods are out of frame).
You have awakened dear memories; where did you find the photo…
what are the odds of that?
Why would did you choose to stand there? Looks like the most unsafe place.
Obviously for the photograph …
It is not reality there for it is not real so it must be fake.
It is an image or reproduction of an image and not reality.
We do not have access to the source image
How was the image created .
There are computer programs that can create very realistic artificial images.
It could be composite with different images pasted together.
When a digital image is take the data is saved in a file format.
The file format will have header data containing extra information.
This data has number of names Meta data is often used
If the image was captured on film.
The image would would need to be scanned or imported into a digital format.
So Meta data would be created.
The source image is titled river thames frozen
The file format is jpg it will have header information
There is a copy of the image titled ‘I bet you have seen this London: Frozen River Thames 1963. Winter is comming’
Here is another similar images
“ONLY EVERY SNOW OFTEN: Hampton Court Palace Bridge in 1963. The Thames froze over for the first time since 1814. Credit: Emma McCauley-Tinniswood”
The colours represented can depend on the lighting , filtration and computer code algorithms.
When we view the image it will depend on how our eyes capture colour and how our brain interprets the image.
…- Aaaaand straight in at #1 and #2, pop pickers… – The golden oldies… – Also rans at #6: Albert Biderman Band’s ‘Chart Of Coercion’ – a classic from the Korean War, that one, followed by #7: The Greg Stanton Connection and ‘Ten Stages of Genocide’ – Not ‘Arf!… 😉
… – *Beri Naisu* Aatikuru, Kit – *Arigatou*…
I can’t compete with any of that.
They never tortured me – well a bit when I was 7 years old, when I was receiving my holy communion – the body and blood of Christ years before I was an Altar Boy.
I committed a mortal sin. I touched the host – the piece of unleven bread, placed in my mouth..I was told this by the teachers in my primary school and my mum
Do not touch the host..
But I did…
I did not pull it out and look at the state of this piece of bread, and embarras anyone at my holy communion..
But I just knew I had committed a mortal sin, not just about Jesus Christ, but also God.
I couldn’t tell anyone not even my Mum
I was going to hell for all eternity.
Still here
We have another Grandchild on the way, and I do not trust any of these mad bastards, not to try and kill us all.
It is My Responsibility, of now The Oldest Member of My Family Still Alive..
to provide a happy warm and inviting family home, as she hopefully is born, and ok…so she can meet her Mum, Dad.Two Brothers and Nana and Grandad (me)
I am very eco friendly, but I do not trust any of these people in control
So I asked my wife – is it OK if I buy another ton of coal.
She said yes do it quick.
I have got a nice wife. (love her to bits as do the grandkids)
Prepare for it. – camping stoves, lights batteries charged up and warm clothing – when the electricity gets cut off, the gas central heating won’t work either.
I do not expect it to get much better, before it gets much worse.
We will survive. I have got my snow grips somewhere

I didn’t forget your birthday.
I didn’t care.
Though you care enough about his feelings to let him know you forgot.